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Rt Rev Bishop Adam Leszek Musialek SCJ

Bishop Adam Musialek.jpg

was born on 9 May 1957 in Wieruszow, Poland. Having entered the Society of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, he made his first profession as a Religious on the 11th September 1977 and his solemn profession on the 6th December 1981. He completed seminary in 1983 with the Degree in Master of Theology and on the 9 June this same year was ordained, priest. He obtained a licentiate at the Cardinal Wyszynski University in Poland at the Department of Inter-Religious Dialogue. 


After his ordination to the priesthood, the future bishop served from July1983-January1984 as parochial vicar in Chmielow, Poland. From January1984-August1986, he was the Assistant to the Novice Master in the SCJ's Novitiate. In October 1986, he went to the United States of America for language studies and in October 1987 he arrived in South Africa to serve as a Pastor in the Diocese of De Aar, where he worked until December 1994. While working in the Diocese as the parish priest he also was the treasurer and secretary in the diocese. From 2 February 1995 till 2 February 2001, he served as Provincial Superior of the South African Province of the Society of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and from then until 2007 as Rector of the SCJ's Students International House in Merryville and Pietermaritzburg. In addition, Bp Adam worked in St. Francis Parish, Eastwood - Pietermaritzburg from the 4th of July 2008 till his bishop's ordination 24th of September 2009. 





Bishop Adam has always nurtured a sound spirituality centred on the Eucharist as the real source of Christ’s presence in his personal life and in the Church. The Coat of Arms expresses this central Catholic belief and points to his Eucharistic devotion as a daily reminder of the love that God shows to humanity through His Son.


The African art-work on the chalice and the host in the centre relates to the South African geographical setting of his diocese and signifies South African cultural heritage which Bishop Adam intends to treasure in his ministry.


The fish motif points to the concept of early Christian identity rooted in Christ Jesus which the Bishop will continue to build in his local Church.  The cross with the heart is both the symbol of Christ’s salvific work and an essential characteristic of the spirituality of the Priests of the Sacred Heart which Bishop Adam adopted as his own.


His religious life, priesthood and episcopacy need to be viewed as an ongoing invitation to answering God’s call expressed in the axiom Ecce venio – “Here I am, I come to do your will” (Heb. 10:9). ‘Ecce venio’ is an expression of his willingness and readiness to endure the will of God, serving Him as a Shepherd of Christ’s flock.


It is apparent, therefore, that these highlights, featured on the coat of arms, are the chief aspects of Christ’s relationship with the Church and people’s relationship with one another. They also continually inspire and shape the new Bishop’s life of prayer and work.


Bishop Adam wishes a fervent fidelity to the unifying and life-giving nourishment of Jesus Christ, to all the faithful of the Diocese of De Aar.


UBishophu u-Adam ngumntu osoloko ezigcine ngendlela eyiyo ngakwezomoya, ekholwa ukuba idini eliNgcwele ngumthombo wobukho buka Krestu ebomini bakhe naseTyalikeni ngokubanzi.  Uphawu lwakhe olu luqaqambisa olu kholo-mongo lwamaKatolike yaye lukhomba ekuhlonipheni kwakhe iSakramente eNgcwele kanye yesibingelelo njengesikhumbuzo semihla ngemihla sothando uThixo alunika uluntu ngoNyana wakhe uYesu Krestu.


Umsebenzi wezandla wesiAfrika esiwubona kwindebe nakwiSakramente ezisembindini, zikhombisa unxulumano nobume bomhlaba kuMzantsi Afrika beDayosisi yakhe kwanendyebo yenkcubeko yakwantu uBishop Adam azimisele ukuyixabisa enkonzweni yakhe.


Intlanzi esiyibonayo sisibonakaliso samandulo samaKrestu sokuba ukholo lusekelwe kuYesu Krestu, nto leyo uBhishophu azimesele ukuqhubeka ayakhe kwiBandla lakhe.  Umnqamlezo onentliziyo luphawu losindiso lukaKrestu yaye iyenye yezinto ezibalulekileyo kwintlalo yezomoya yabaPriste beNtliziyo eNgcwele kanye kaYesu uBhishophu Adam azithabathele yona.


Ubomi bakhe bokuzibopha, ubupriste nobuBhishophu, zontathu ezi zinto kufuneka zibonwe njengesimemo esisoloko simi kwimpendulo yobizo luka Thixo njengoko idandalazisiwe kwisaci esithi “Ecce venio – Ndim lo, ndizokwenza intando yakho” (Heb. 10:9).  I-Ecce Venio le sisibonakaliso sokuzimisela kwakhe nokulungela ukunyamezela intando kaThixo amkhonzayo njengomalusi womhlambi kaKrestu.


Kucace gcaa ke ngoko ukuba zonke ezi zinto zibalulwe kolu phawu yimiba ebalulekileyo kubudlelane bukaKrestu nebandla nakubudlelane babantu omnye nomnye.  Ziqhubela phambili ke ngoko ukukhuthaza nokubumba ubomi bomthandazo kwanomsebenzi kaBhishophu omtsha.


UBhishophu u-Adam ke ngoko unqwenelela wonke amakholwa eDayosisi yase De Aar ukunyaniseka okugqibeleleyo kwisondlo sikaKrestu esinika ubomi nobunye.


Biskop Adam het nog altyd 'n sterk geestelike ingesteldheid gehandhaaf, gegrond op die Eucharis, as die ware kragbron van Christus se teenwoordigheid in sy persoonlike lewe asook in die kerk. Die wapen getuig van die sentrale Katolieke geloofs oortuiging, en wys heen na sy Eucharistiese toewyding as'n daaglikse herhinnering van die liefde wat God aan die mensdom betoon deur sy Seun Jesus Christus.


Die Afrikaanse kunswerk wat aangebring is op die kelk en rondom die brood in die middel van die wapen, verwys na die Suid Afrikaanse geografiese agtergrond van sy bisdom, asook die Afrikaanse kulturele erfenis wat Biskop Adam van voornemens is om in sy ministerie uit te leef.


Die kruis met die hart in die middel van die brood, is beide die simbool van die saligheid van die werk van Christus en 'n essensiele karaktertrek van die spiritualiteit van die "Priests of the Sacred Heart" wat Biskop Adam aangeneem het as sy eie.


Die vis motief dui die konsep aan van die roee Christelike identiteit wat gesetel is in Jesus Christus, en waarop die Biskop in sy plaaslike kerk sal voortbou.


Sy godsdienstig lewe, priesterskap en biskopskap moet gesien word as 'n voortdurende uitnodiging om God se roeping uit te leef, soos uiteengesit in die aksioom "Ecce venio - Kyk ek het gekom om U wil te doen “ Hebreers 10:9. "Ecce venio" dui aan op die leefwyse van Biskop Adam en sy wilskrag en bereidwilligheid om God se wil te laat geskied, en om Hom te dien as herder van die Kerk van Christus.


Dit is dus duidelik dat die motiewe wat op die Biskop se simbolieke wapen aangebring is, die fundimentele eienskappe van Christus se verwantskap met die kerk, en die mensdom se verwantskap teenoor mekaar beklemtoon. Die kenmerke inspireer en vorm ook die grondslag van die nuwe Biskop se daaglikse lewenswyse van gebed en arbeid.


'N hartstogtelike wens vir toewyding tot eenwording deur die lewensgewende voedingskrag in Jesus Christus, word deur Biskop Adam toegewens aan die gemeente van die Bisdom van De Aar.

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